Stewards Ministry
The mission is to be accountable to make an exact accounting of all tithes, offerings, and contributions made to the church. They ensure the stewardship and distribution of church resources edify the congregation, provide support to the Pastor and his family, and provide relief for the needy and distressed members of the church.
Trustees Ministry
The mission is to take charge of care, maintenance, and security of church property. They initiate necessary improvements to the church and maintain order and the proper decorum to be observed throughout God’s house of worship.
Stewardess Ministry
The mission is to assist the Preacher’s Steward in making provision for the support and comfort of the Pastor and his family.
Deaconess Ministry
The mission is to prepare for the sacraments of Holy Communion and Baptism. The Deaconess Board’s main concern is mercy, both within and without the church. The Deaconess Board assists the Pastor in ministering to the sick and shut-in.
Pastoral Care Ministry
The mission is to give support and assistance to the Pastor and his family with a spirit of excellence and love.