Trust In The Lord
May 24, 2023
“Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.” Isaiah 26:4 (ESV)
There are brand name products that each of us become accustomed to. We have tried other brands and have determined which is the best and it has become our favorite. When we have like a particular brand, we will tell people how wonderful it works for us, and how we will not use anything else because we have tried it and proven it for ourselves. Our faith in God should be the same way. We know that God is always there for us and we have tried Him and proven Him to be faithful. The Scripture reminds us, trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock. I encourage you today to trust in The Lord always. There is not a time in your life that The Lord has not been there for you or has not opened doors for you. The Lord has made ways for you that others simply could not make. You may not be able to trust things or people, but you can always trust The Lord because He never ever fail you. The Lord is your everlasting strength, and He will give you strength when you do not feel like you can go on any more. He will give you strength when you are weak, and do not have the strength to take even the first step let alone multiple steps. He will give you strength to stand in the midst of the storms of life and not be moved. When you put all of your trust in The Lord you will not have to worry about being strong, because you know your strength comes from The Lord. Since you trust in The Lord with your whole heart, you should not keep it to yourself, but tell someone how The Lord has blessed you. All my trust is in The Lord who never fails me, and I receive all my strength from my Lord Jehovah, and no matter what I may be facing, He gives me strength through it all. Since I will always trust The Lord completely, and I know my strength is in Him I am confident, "It's My Year To Get My Thing From My God!"
Lord thank you for always being ether for me. Thank you for giving me the strength to keep going and growing in you. Help me to stand through the storms of life and give you the glory for all the great things you are doing in my life. I love you Lord. In Jesus Name Amen.
Be Inspired, Rev. Dr. Stephen W. Pogue, Pastor
Greater Centennial A.M.E. Zion Church
Mount Vernon, NY
Greater Centennial A.M.E. Zion Church
Mount Vernon, NY