June 15, 2023
“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 (ESV)
Through all the ups and downs of yesterday, God has been so gracious to us that He has given us another day. Like yesterday, this day may be filled with challenges and hurdles and other things we will have to deal with, and just like yesterday, God will give us enough grace, mercy, and strength to handle what happens today. Since God has has already given us what we need to handle what we will face today, then we should give God the praise all day long no matter what we may face. The Scripture reminds that, this is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. I encourage you today to rejoice and be glad. When the clouds hang low today, rejoice and be glad in it. When the valleys are low, rejoice and be glad in it. When trouble comes your way today, rejoice and be glad in it, because this is the day that The Lord has made, and since The Lord made the day and He knew what would happen in the day, you can rejoice and be glad, because The Lord will never give you more than you can handle. It may look and seem hard, but you can handle it, because this is the day The Lord has made and the grace and mercy that you made it through with yesterday, will be the same grace and mercy that will get you through today. Come what will and come what may, I have already made up my mind to rejoice and be glad in this day that The Lord has made with me in mind. Since The Lord had me in mind when He made the day, I know I can handle what happens in the day, because The Lord is with me. Since I will rejoice and be glad in this day, I have no doubt, “It’s My Year To Get My Thing From My God!”
Lord thank you for making this day with me in mind. No matter what happens today I will rejoice and be glad in it, because you have already given me what I need to get through it. I love you Lord. In Jesus Name Amen.
Be Inspired, Rev. Dr. Stephen W. Pogue, Pastor
Greater Centennial A.M.E. Zion Church
Mount Vernon, NY
Greater Centennial A.M.E. Zion Church
Mount Vernon, NY