
The Word
February 29, 2024
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1 (ESV)
Let us not forget that we are in the midst of a season of fasting and praying, but it is also a season of meditation and remembrance of all that The Lord has done for us. It should also be a season where we are to make up our minds that when we come out of this season, we are going to be better than what we were when we came in this season. No matter the season we find ourselves in we are blessed to have God in our season. The Scripture reminds us that, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. I encourage you today to remember that in the midst of this fast, God is still God. God was in the beginning as the Word and He is with you now as the Word. The Word will keep you and The Word will bless you. The Word will lead and guide you in all the paths that you take. Since, The Word was in the beginning, you can have confidence and assurance that The Word will be with you always and there is nothing that you go through where The Word cannot reach you. I am grateful that The Word is with me all the time and leads and guides me. Since I am leaning and depending on The Word for my life, I have no doubt, “It’s My Year To Get My Thing From My God!”
Lord thank you for The Word that is everlasting and ever reaching, and thank you for The Word that constantly blesses my life. I love you Lord. In Jesus Name Amen.
Be Inspired, Rev. Dr. Stephen W. Pogue, Pastor
Greater Centennial A.M.E. Zion Church
Mount Vernon, NY