
April 11, 2024
“Preserve me, O God, for in you I take refuge.” Psalm 16:1 (ESV)
When we know that a storm is coming, we do all that we can to make sure we have all we need so we do not have to be in the storm if we can help it. Grocery store shelves become rapidly bare when a storm is predicted, because people want to be prepared to ride out the storm in the safety of their homes. In life we are going to have storms come and there will be times when we will have no warning of the storm, but we still need to be prepared. The way we prepare for the storms of life, is to stay connected to The Lord. The Scripture reminds us that the Psalmist prays preserve me, O God, for in you I take refuge. I encourage you today to take refuge in The Lord. Allow The Lord to be your shelter and protection in storms, trials, and tribulations. The Lord will preserve you when others give up on you. The Lord will preserve you when the winds of life are howling against you. Your faith in God will give you what you need to make it through all you face. I am happy glad that I have a shelter to run to in my good and bad days. Since I know that The Lord will preserve me and be my refuge always, I have no doubt, “It’s My Year To Get My Thing From My God!”
Lord thank you for being my shelter in the times of storm. Thank you for preserving me and keeping me in every situation that I face in my life. I love you Lord. In Jesus Name Amen.
Be Inspired, Rev. Dr. Stephen W. Pogue, Pastor
Greater Centennial A.M.E. Zion Church
Mount Vernon, NY