
Keep Trusting God
August 27, 2023
"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me." John 14:1
Each of us has faced a situation that has troubled us. When we are troubled it becomes difficult to make the right decision because we really do not know the right way to go. People can offer us all types of advice and we can pray and seek God, but sometimes we still feel troubled and do not know what we should do. Through all our trials and tribulations in life we cannot allow trouble to stop us from trusting and believing God. The Scripture reminds us to, not let our hearts be troubled; we believe in God, believe also in Jesus. I encourage you today not to let your heart be troubled when trials and tribulations come your way. Trust God to do what He said He would do in your life, and when things do not look like what God said, keep your faith in His Word and not on what you see. Do not be troubled when things do not come together like you think they should, keep trusting God. Do not be rattled when it looks like the wheels are falling off of every plan you try to put together, keep trusting God. Do not be troubled when trouble comes your way, keep trusting and believing that God will do what He said that He would do for you. Things may become worse before they become better, but keep trusting that with God things will get better and work out in your favor. It is not always going to be easy, but you can always trust God to see you through. Instead of letting my heart be troubled, I will believe in God, and stand on what He has spoken in my life. Since I am trusting God through it all, I have no doubt, "It's My Year To Get My thing From My God!"
Lord sometimes life is hard and things feel like thy are never going to get ay better. Walls seem like they are closing in on me, but I know that you will work everything out for my good and your glory. No matter what it looks or feels like, I am going to keep trusting you Lord with my life. I love you Lord. In Jesus Name Amen.
Be Inspired, Rev. Dr. Stephen W. Pogue, Pastor
Greater Centennial A.M.E. Zion Church
Mount Vernon, NY