
It’s Getting Ready To Happen
November 04, 2023
"Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them." Isaiah 42:9
Taking a look back over our lives we will see all the blessings The Lord has has done for us. There are times when we know it was Him who is opening and closing doors for us. There have been some promises that The Lord has made in our lives that we are still waiting to come to pass, and there are some things that He has spoken for our lives that have already come to pass, and now we can look forward to the great things He will do for us and what He is doing in our lives right now. The Scripture reminds us that, the former things are come to pass, and new things does He declare: before they come to pass He will tell us of them. I encourage you today to look back over your life and begin to thank The Lord for all the great things that He has done for you, and then begin to thank Him for the new things He is about to do in your life. Some of the things that The Lord has spoken has already come to pass in your life, and now He is about to do even greater things for you. As The Lord prepares to do new things in your life, He has to prepare you to handle the new things He is going to do in your life, so as He is preparing you do not be surprised as your thought process changes to adapt to the new things The Lord is doing in your life, and the way you see things begin to change, as you are looking ahead. Before those new things happen in your life, The Lord will tell you of them so you will know where He is taking you. You may not know how He is going to do them in your life, but because He has promised you them, you know He will do them in your life. Get excited and get ready for what The Lord is about to do in your life. I thank The Lord for every blessing He has poured into my life, and I am grateful for every new thing He will do in my life, and I look forward with great expectations to the things that He will do. Since I know that God is doing a new thing in me, I have no doubt, "It's My Year To Get My Thing From My God!"
Lord for every blessing you have poured into my life, I am grateful and thankful. I praise and thank you in advance for what you are about to do in my life, and all the great blessings that will flow my way. I know that you are the great promise keeper and every blessing you have promised me will come to pass. I love you Lord. In Jesus Name Amen.
Be Inspired, Rev. Dr. Stephen W. Pogue, Pastor
Greater Centennial A.M.E. Zion Church
Mount Vernon, NY