God Keeps His Promises
August 05, 2023
"God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?" Numbers 23:19
It can be extremely heart wrenching to have something promised to us, and we look forward to it, and are crushed when it does not happen. Every day people will break promises purposely. Some promises are not purposely broken, but the unfulfilling of the promise is still hurtful. There are some things that have been promised by people that we will never see, but the things God has promised us will come to pass in His time. The Scripture reminds us that God is not a man that He should lie or the son of man that He should change His mind, since God has spoken it He will do it. I encourage you today to remember that God will do what He said He would do in your life. God is not a man and He will not lie to you, He will do what He said He would do in your life. It may look and feel like what God has said to you is not going to happen, but you have to hold on and remember since God said it to you, He will do it for you. It may look like things are falling apart around you, and what God has spoken for your life looks nothing like what you are going through right now, just remember God does not lie, and he will perform everything He said He would in your life, all you have to do is trust Him and believe it for yourself. God would not have spoken it in your life if He did not have any intention of doing what He said He would do for you. Hold on do not give up and do not give in, your breakthrough is on the way, and the promises of God are true in your life. It may not happen tomorrow or the next day, but I know that everything that God has spoken for me will be real and manifested in my life. Since God spoke it, it will come to pass for me. God has spoken great things to come to pass in my life and this is why I can boldly proclaim, "It's My Year To Get My Thing From My God!"
Lord thank you for every promise you have made to me. Thank you for every promise that has already come to pass in my life, and thank you for every promise that is about to happen in my life. Help me not to look at the situation, but to remember the promise. I love you Lord. In Jesus Name Amen.
Be Inspired, Rev. Dr. Stephen W. Pogue, Pastor
Greater Centennial A.M.E. Zion Church
Mount Vernon, NY
Greater Centennial A.M.E. Zion Church
Mount Vernon, NY