
God Has Not Forgotten About You
April 17, 2024
"My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring?" Psalm 22:1
When we are really in need it can feel like there is no one there for us. The people, who are usually there for us, are nowhere to be found, and it even felt like God wasn't there either. We prayed and prayed and still no answer from God, and we really did not know what we were going to do. We have had sleeplessness nights and days full of worry and doubt how we were going to get out of what we were in. David was going through some difficulties of His own, and felt like everyone even God had abandoned Him, and He asked God why He had forsaken Him, and why was He so far from helping him? I encourage you today to remember that even when you feel like you are alone, you are never alone, because God is there. You may have to cry sometimes and pray like David prayed, my God why have you forsaken me? Just remember when you cry unto The Lord, He will answer you. Remember God knows what you are going through, and He also knows how much you can handle. No matter what comes or what goes in your life, remember that God will never leave or forsake you. It may feel like God has left you, it may feel like God has abandoned you, but He has not. It may feel like your prayers are going up to the ceiling and coming right back down because you are not getting an answer from God, but remember He hears you and He will answer you. There are times when I feel like God has left me and He does not hear me when I pray, and just when I am ready to give up, God steps in on time, and answers my prayer and lets me know He is near me. I know God will never leave me, and He always answers my prayer in His time, this is why I am so confident that, "It's My Year To Get My Thing From My God!"
Lord forgive me for allowing what I am going through to be anxious about you coming to my rescue. Forgive me for worrying when I should have bene worshipping. Thank you Lord for not giving up on me. Thank you Lord for never leaving me alone and always being near to answer me when I cry. I love you Lord. In Jesus Name Amen.
Be Inspired, Rev. Dr. Stephen W. Pogue, Pastor
Greater Centennial A.M.E. Zion Church
Mount Vernon, NY