Ask In Faith
April 14, 2024
“For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.” Luke 9:10 (ESV)
We may have all experienced being in need and did not know how we were going to be able to fulfill our need. We knew those who had what we needed, and they knew we needed it, but they did not come to our aid because we did not ask. Often we miss our blessings because we do not ask for what we need or want. Sometimes we do not ask because we do not think The Lord will give it to us, and other times we feel like we can just do it on our own, but the truth of the matter is we always need The Lord. The Scripture reminds us, everyone who asks receives, and whoever seeks finds, and if you knock it will be opened. I encourage you today to ask The Lord for what you need and what you want. Do not be ashamed to go to Him and ask Him because in asking you will receive. If you are willing to seek The Lord, you will find Him and His peace, joy, and love. There may be doors that are shut in your face, do not simply stand on the outside of the door wishing for it to open, knock on the door and it will be opened to you in faith. Do not sit idly by wishing things to change, or get better, but go to The Lord with all your needs, and He has promised you that you will receive, find and have doors open for you if you would only ask, seek and knock. I know The Lord knows everything I need, but I know it is necessary to go and seek and ask Him for everything, and knock on doors that have been closed, knowing The Lord will open them for me. Since I will go to The Lord in every situation I face in my life, I know for sure, “It’s My Year To Get My Thing From my God!”
Lord, I am seeking you for everything that I need in my life. I am coming to you knowing that you will provide if I only ask. I believe that all my needs you will supply for me. Every closed door will be open for me because I am walking in faith. Thank you Lord for answering me and opening doors for me. I love you Lord. In Jesus Name Amen.
Be Inspired, Rev. Dr. Stephen W. Pogue, Pastor
Greater Centennial A.M.E. Zion Church
Mount Vernon, NY
Greater Centennial A.M.E. Zion Church
Mount Vernon, NY